Atlas V InSight launch - Vandenberg SLC3 : May 5, 2018

View from 8500' over Lompoc

The first image was shot at the same exposure settings as the next two.
While the glow from the pad lighting was visible through the fog, it was no match for the brightness of the rocket!

Fractional timestamps for the sequence are only good to get a sense of relative time elapsed.

11:00:00Z (L-00:00) Nothing to see here. The pad lighting is too faint to show up.

11:05:05Z (L+00:05)

11:05:12Z (L+00:12)

11:05:18Z (L+00:18.0)

11:05:18Z (L+00:18.2)

11:05:18Z (L+00:18.9)

11:05:19Z (L+00:19.5)

11:05:19Z (L+00:19.9)

11:05:20Z (L+00:20.4)

11:05:20Z (L+00:20.8)

11:05:36Z (L+00:36)

11:06:37Z (L+01:37)

11:07:19Z (L+02:19)

11:08:02Z (L+03:02) The speck on the right is the Atlas V.