Endeavour Ferry Flight : September 20, 2012

10000' near Victorville, CA

Found the SCA carrying Endeavour inbound north of Victorville, landing at Edwards AFB.

DC-9 Pathfinder (76k)

B-1 (48k)

pIMG_3498.JPG (68k)

pIMG_3503.JPG (68k)

pIMG_3510.JPG (44k)

pIMG_3512.JPG (100k)

pIMG_3524.JPG (72k)

pIMG_3531.JPG (124k)

(Uncropped) (108k)

Over the Rocket Propulsion Lab (120k)

pIMG_3551.JPG (136k)

pIMG_3563.JPG (144k)

pIMG_3564.JPG (112k)

pIMG_3572.JPG (168k)

Over Mate-Demate Device (152k)

pIMG_3585.JPG (132k)

pIMG_3588.JPG (72k)

pIMG_3596.JPG (80k)

pIMG_3603.JPG (116k)

pIMG_3605.JPG (172k)

pIMG_3607.JPG (180k)

pIMG_3609.JPG (172k)

pIMG_3611.JPG (180k)

pIMG_3612.JPG (176k)

pIMG_3615.JPG (188k)

pIMG_3621.JPG (192k)

pIMG_3628.JPG (204k)

pIMG_3635.JPG (192k)

pIMG_3642.JPG (188k)

pIMG_3655.JPG (180k)

pIMG_3659.JPG (192k)

10500' over LAX

cIMG_3671.JPG (164k)

cIMG_3679.JPG (208k)

(Uncropped) (128k)

cIMG_3694.JPG (176k)

United hangar (172k)

7500' over Los Angeles Basin

Getty Museum (184k)

Downtown LA (248k)

Dodger Stadium (208k)

JPL (224k)

Rose Bowl (228k)