WhiteKnightTwo at Mojave Airport : July 27, 2009

WhiteKnightTwo departed for Oshkosh around 7:15AM, just after I landed.
It made a right 270 for a low pass over Rwy 26 before departing the area.

Approach to Rwy 30 (140k)

cIMG_3813.JPG (148k)

cIMG_8886.JPG (120k)

cIMG_8887.JPG (144k)

cIMG_8890.JPG (72k)

cIMG_8894.JPG (52k)

cIMG_8898.JPG (32k)

cIMG_8901.JPG (32k)

cIMG_8903.JPG (28k)

cIMG_8906.JPG (32k)

cIMG_8915.JPG (40k)

cIMG_8916.JPG (52k)

cIMG_8919.JPG (72k)

Proteus, another Rutan design (132k)

cIMG_8956.JPG (112k)

cIMG_8976.JPG (32k)

cIMG_8983.JPG (48k)

The old tower (120k)